The basic sensing element used in the Q46H/79PR Total Chlorine Monitor is a 3-electrode amperometric membrane sensor which measures chlorine directly. The chlorine measurement does not alter the sample or add any chemicals to the sample stream, so the water flow can return to the system if desired. In addition to total chlorine measurement, the Q46/79PR is also available with an optional pH input which provides two parameter monitoring system.
Two types of chlorine sensors are available. One id designed for flowcell installation and the other is for submersion applications. Total chlorine monitoring below a concentration of 0.5 ppm should be done using a flowcell system. Good control of sample flow and pressure is important for accurate measurement. The standard constant-head flowcell should be used for most applications. A sealed flowcell and a low volume flowcell are also available for special applications. Submersible total chlorine sensors can be used for measuring total chlorine in wastewater effluent or other open channel applications. Direct measurement with a submersible sensor can provide a dependable monitor without all the sampling and chemicals associated with traditional total chlorine measurement.
Standard Q46H/79PR Systems are AC powered or a DC powered version is also available. The basic system includes two isolated 4-20 mA outputs and three SPDT alarm relays.
If pH measurement is also desired, an optional pH sensor is available. With this sensor connected, the second analog output may be configured for pH instead of temperature to provide a dual chlorine/pH monitoring system.
Q46h/79PR systems may also be supplied with an additional output board. This output board may contain either a third 4-20 mA output or three additional low power relays. Adding a third analog output is the most common as the system then provides isolated outputs for chlorine,pH and temperature.
ATI in now a part of the Badger Meter brand.