Half Mask Respiratory Kits for agriculture feature a half face mask plus a P100 filter, and chemical filter and ammonia filter. Agricultural workers are exposed to numerous on the job respiratory hazards. Pesticides, fertilizers, dusts disinfectants, paints and gases are just a few of the hazards which may be encountered. Serious respiratory problems can develop from prolonged exposure to any of these airborne contaminants.
Exposure to grain dusts, molds, pollen, animal dander, soil dust, welding fumes and diesel exhaust can lead to serious respiratory problems. Although they are less toxic than some chemicals, dusts are suspended in the air and can easily enter the lungs and cause damage. Dust in the lungs has both immediate and long term effects.
Anhydrous ammonia is a strong alkali that can cause death or severe injury to body tissue due to its caustic, corrosive, freezing and dehydrating action. An almost instant freeze drying process occurs when the liquid ammonia comes in contact with body tissue.