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Aromatic Isocyanates SafeAir Badge (TDI & MDI), pk/50

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The Aromatic Isocyanates SafeAir Badge detects aromatic diisocyanates, such as toluene diisocyanate (TDI) and methylene diphenyl diisocyanate (MDI), and are commonly used to make various polymers such as polyurethanes. Polyurethanes have significant application in the manufacture of rigid and flexible foams. They are also used in the production of adhesives, elastomers and coatings. Polyurethane coatings are preferred in the automotive refinishing industry where high performance coatings are required. Based on the available toxicity data in animals and epidemiologic studies of humans, aromatic diisocyanates such as TDI and MDI are strong respiratory sensitizers. Repeated exposures or a single large dose may cause sensitization. Chronic overexposure has also been reported to cause lung damage including fibrosis. OSHA and NIOSH exposure limit for TDI is 0.02 ppm (TWA), the OSHA exposure limit for MDI is 0.02 ppm (ceiling) and the NIOSH exposure limit for MDI is 0.005 ppm (TWA).

The SafeAir aromatic isocyanates badge is a monitoring system designed to indicate the presence of toluene diisocyanate and/or methylene diphenyl diisocyanate at concentrations below the permissible exposure limit. The SafeAir aromatic isocyanates badge detects the presence of TDI and/or MDI by forming a color change in the shape of an exclamation mark inside the triangle. This indication is produced by a color-forming reaction, which occurs when TDI and/or MDI react with a flat indicator layer.

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Weight 1 lbs


1) Prior to removing the badge from its protective pouch, allow the badge to warm to room temperature.
2) For personnel monitoring, attach the badge near the user’s breathing zone (i.e. the collar) with the front side exposed to the surrounding atmosphere.
3) For area monitoring, attach the badge to a stand and mount in a centralized area with the front side exposed to the surrounding atmosphere.
4) The exclamation mark begins to appear within the triangle when TDI and/or MDI are present at the sensitivity level. Please note that the exclamation mark will appear on the front of the badge.
5) For higher resolution and wider range, a SafeAir TDI color comparator is available for use with this badge. To obtain the average concentration of TD



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