Photo Ionization Detectors / PID Gas Detectors

PID Gas Detectors / Photo Ionization Detectors are very sensitive instruments and measure the real-time concentration of both organic and non-organic vapors. They comprise a UV lamp to ionize molecules, which release an electron and form a positive ion. Later, electrodes collect these ions, which are then converted to a digital meter reading in parts per million (ppm) or parts per billion (ppb).

Photo Ionization Detectors / PID gas detectors measure VOCs and other toxic gases in low concentrations from ppb (parts per billion) up to 10,000 ppm (parts per million or 1% by volume). Photo ionization detectors / PID gas detectors are very sensitive broad-spectrum monitors, like low-level LEL monitors. All elements and chemicals can be ionized, but they differ in the amount of energy they require. The energy required to displace an electron and “ionize” a compound is a called its Ionization Potential (IP), measured in electron volts (eV). If the IP of the sample gas is less than the eV output of the lamp, then the sample gas will be ionized.

Listed below are the Photo Ionization Detectors / PID Gas Detectors that AFC has to offer, call today for competitive pricing and application analysis.