BW by Honeywell aims to be the leading suppliers of gas detection equipment for the protection of personnel and facilities around the world. AFC International is happy to include these gas detectors as part of our product line. Honeywell (BW) manufacturers single gas and multi gas detectors for hazardous gases including hydrogen sulfide, carbon monoxide, sulfur dioxide, ozone, phosphine and many others.
Accidental gas leaks pose a considerable threat to properties, environment and human life. Therefore, Honeywell Analytics and BW™ Technologies manufacture and produce a full and comprehensive range of portable gas detectors, offered in compact, lightweight designs – from simple alarm-only units to advanced, fully configurable and serviceable instruments. Ideal for confined spaces, spot leak testing and mobile use, Honeywell’s portable gas detectors provide real-time visibility into the status and safety of hazardous-area workers, helping companies respond faster, more knowingly and decisively to safety incidents. Applications include underground utility vaults, boiler rooms, post-fire sites, sewers, industrial plants, industrial hygiene, first responder crews and remote fleets.