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KwikDraw Industry Action Tube Sets

The KwikDraw Industry Action Tube Sets are a quick, simple, and economical to use for respirator fit testing and airflow indication.

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KwikDraw Industry Action Tube Sets are variety packs of various detector tubes, designed specifically for different needs. These Industry Action Sets for the following industries: Agricultural, Pharmaceutical, Petroleum, Mining, Pulp and Paper, Synthetics Manufacturing, and Semiconductor. Conveniently packaged in boxes of 12, Industry Action Sets give you 20% more sampling than with traditional boxes.


Additional information

Weight 1 lbs

Set Contents

Petroleum Set (D5086875)

  • 2 x Hydrogen Sulfide tubes
  • 2 x Carbon Monoxide tubes
  • 2 x Qualitest tubes
  • 4 x Benzene tubes
  • 2 x Hexane tubes

Agricultural Set (D5086870)

  • 4 x Phospine tubes
  • 2 x Sulfur Dioxide tubes
  • 4 x Methyl Bromide tubes
  • 2 x Hydrogen Cyanide tubes

Pharmaceutical Set (D5086871)

  • 3 x Acetic Acid tubes
  • 3 x Aromatic HC tubes
  • 3 x Qualitest tubes
  • 3 x Hydrogen Cyanide tubes

Mining Set (D5086873)

  • 3 x Carbon Monoxide tubes
  • 2 x Nitrogen Dioxide tubes
  • 3 x Nitrous fumes tubes
  • ‘4 x Natural Gas/Methane tubes

Pulp & Paper Set (D5086872)

  • 3 x Chlorine Dioxide tubes
  • 2 x Sulfur Dioxide tubes
  • 3 x Hydrogen Sulfide tubes
  • 2 x Chlorine tubes
  • 2 x Ozone tubes

Synthetics Manufacturing Set (D5086874)

  • 2 x Toluene tubes
  • 4 x Qualitest tubes
  • 2 x Ethanol tubes
  • 2 x Vinyl Chloride tubes
  • 2x Triochloroethylene tubes

Semiconductor Sets

There are four different sets targeted at specific semiconductor manufacturing processes:

Chemical Vapor Deposition Process (D5086876)

  • 3 x Ammonia tubes
  • 3 x Carbon Dioxide tubes
  • 3 X Nitrous fumes tubes
  • 3 x H2S tubes

Etching Process (D5086877)

  • 4 x Ammonia tubes
  • 4 x Chlorine tubes
  • 4 x Hydrogen Chloride tubes

Epitaxy Process (D5086878)

  • 3 x Carbon Monoxide tubes
  • 3 x Hydrogen Chloride tubes
  • 3 X Phosphine tubes
  • ‘3 x Phosgene tubes

Crystal Growth Process (D5086879)

  • 6 x Phosgene tubes
  • 6 x Phosphine tubes

Ordering Information

. Catalog No. Description Price Quantity .
KwikDraw Action Tube Sets
KwikDraw Action Tube Sets
KwikDraw Action Tube Sets
KwikDraw Action Tube Sets
KwikDraw Action Tube Sets
KwikDraw Action Tube Sets
KwikDraw Action Tube Sets
KwikDraw Action Tube Sets
KwikDraw Action Tube Sets
KwikDraw Action Tube Sets


KwikDraw Industry Action Tube Literature

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