Showing 1477–1488 of 1524 results

SR570 PAPR Face Mask

SR570 Face Shield with Hinged PC-Visor


The Sundstrom SR500 Powered Air Purifying Respirator System is a belt mounted with tight fitting face pieces, loose fitting respirators or loose fitting hoods that protects against particulates, gases and vapors or a combination.

For pricing, please call AFC International at 1-800-952-3293, 219-987-6825 or fax 219-987-6826 or email

SR570 With Bump Cap

SR570 Face Shield with Hinged PC-Visor and Bump Cap


The Sundstrom SR500 Powered Air Purifying Respirator System is a belt mounted with tight fitting face pieces, loose fitting respirators or loose fitting hoods that protects against particulates, gases and vapors or a combination.

For pricing, please call AFC International at 1-800-952-3293, 219-987-6825 or fax 219-987-6826 or email

SR570 PAPR KitSR500 PAPR Powered Air Purifying Respirator

SR570 PAPR Hood Kit includes face shield with bump cap, breathing hose, battery charger, belt, flowmeter, filter covers and 2 HE filters


The Sundstrom SR500 Powered Air Purifying Respirator System is a belt mounted with tight fitting face pieces, loose fitting respirators or loose fitting hoods that protects against particulates, gases and vapors or a combination.

For pricing, please call AFC International at 1-800-952-3293, 219-987-6825 or fax 219-987-6826 or email