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Hydrazine Colorimetric SafeAir Badge, pk/50

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SKU 382002-50 Categories , Tag



The Hydrazine Colorimetric SafeAir Badge is a monitoring system designed to indicate the presence of hydrazine at concentrations below the permissible exposure limit. The SafeAir hydrazine badge detects the presence of hydrazine by forming a color change in the shape of an exclamation mark inside the triangle. This indication is produced by a color-forming reaction, which occurs when hydrazine reacts with a flat indicator laye

Hydrazine Monitor (Part Number: 382002) Introduction Hydrazine is a colorless liquid with a penetrating odor resembling that of ammonia. It is extremely destructive to the tissues of the mucous membranes and upper respiratory tract. Symptoms of exposure may include coughing, wheezing, laryngitis, and shortness of breath, headache, nausea and vomiting. OSHA PEL (permissible exposure limit) for hydrazine is 1 ppm (TWA). NIOSH REL (recommended exposure limit) for hydrazine is 0.03 ppm (2 hour ceiling). NIOSH recommends that hydrazine be handled as a potential occupational carcinogen in the workplace.

Hydrazine is used predominantly as a fuel for rocket and jet engines and in the manufacturing of pharmaceuticals. Hydrazine salts are used in refining and as corrosion inhibitors.

Additional information

Weight 1 lbs


  1. Allow the badge to warm to room temperature prior to removing the badge from its protective pouch.
  2. For personnel monitoring, attach the badge near the user’s breathing zone (i.e. the collar) with the front side exposed to the surrounding atmosphere.
  3. For area monitoring, attach the badge to a stand and mount in a centralized area with the front side exposed to the surrounding atmosphere.
  4. The exclamation mark appears within the triangle when hydrazine is present. Please note that the exclamation mark will appear underneath the printed exposure dose (sensitivity).
  5. A color comparator is available for use with this badge. To obtain the average concentration, divide the exposure dose (ppb∙hr) by the exposure time in hours (hr.).


Hydrazine Colorimetric SafeAir Badge Datasheet

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