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UltraRae 3000+ Benzene Specific VOC Monitor

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The Rae Systems by Honeywell UltraRae 3000+ is the most advanced Benzene Specific Monitor on the market.



The Rae Systems by Honeywell UltraRae 3000+ is the most advanced Benzene Specific Monitor on the market. Its photoionization detector’s (PID) extended range of 0.01 to 10,000 ppm in VOC mode and 10 ppb to 200 ppm in benzene specific mode. This makes it an ideal instrument for application from entry pre-screening during refinery and plant maintenance to hazardous material response, marine spill response and refinery down stream monitoring.


UltraRae 3000+, Honeywell, Rae Systems, PID, Photo ionization detector, volatile organic compounds, VOCs