The Trolex XD1+ Dust Monitor is a simple, straightforward and highly accurate dust monitor with just a single button; simply switch it on, secure it in place and off you go. With real-time dust monitoring,the XD1+ changes the way we fight respiratory disease in the workplace. The XD1+ uses no filters, pump, tubes or replaceable parts. It gives you instant alarms for fully customizable STEL and TWA measurements for PM1, PM2.5, PM4.25 and PM10. It features an automatic self-test routine and a maintenance cycle of around 2 minutes everyday 3 months, you can make the XD1+ a standard part of the PPE kit for anyone exposed to respirable dust in the workplace.
The Breathemobile App is used with the XD1+. Simply connect the Trolex XD1+ Dust Monitor using NFC technology by holding your App close to the XD1+. You can then view live and historic data, change your threshold settings and see any alarms. With personal real-time data delivered directly to your mobile phone, you can instantly identify the source of exposures and adjust control measures immediately. You can provide the correct PPE to those who need it, as well as record and store who, when and where of your dust exposure scenario.