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Welding SR580 PAPR Hood Kit includes hard hat, breathing hose, battery charger, belt, flowmeter, filter covers and 2 HE filters

The Sundstrom SR500 Powered Air Purifying Respirator System is a belt mounted with tight fitting face pieces, loose fitting respirators or loose fitting hoods that protects against particulates, gases and vapors or a combination.

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The Welding SR580 PAPR Hood Kit is available in one size. It includes a Welding shield and passive welding lens shade 10. The loose-fitting hoods and SR 500 belt mounted Powered Air-Purifying Respirator (PAPR) protects against particulates, gases and vapors, or a combination. The SR 500 PAPR system functions as an alternative to Air Purifying Respirators (APR) in all situations for which these are recommended. This applies particularly to work that is hard, warm or of long-duration. The above-atmospheric pressure then generated prevents pollutants from the surroundings from penetrating into the breathing zone.

Typical applications for the Welding SR580 PAPR Hood Kit include agriculture, asbestos, mold and lead paint abatement, construction & building renovation, demolition, chemical industry, food & beverage processing, lead battery plants, medical & healthcare, metal work, pharmaceutical manufacturing, power plants, pulp & paper processing, recycling plants, smelting and foundries, surface preparation, painting, coating and more.


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