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Nextteq Short Term Detector Tubes: S

Whether for a routine inspection or a HazMat emergency, you can count on Nextteq’s complete line of Nextteq Detector Tubes to precisely measure gases and vapors for over 600 applications.

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We are proud to offer Nextteq Short Term Detector tubes which can detect over 500 chemicals with over 300 different detector tubes. These tubes focus on ease of use, speed and accuracy and are manufactured by one of the largest professional industrial organization in the gas detection industry. Each tubes features better technology, better quality and better value.

Nextteq detector tubes features high quality glass wrapped in a thin transparent film that protects against the shattering of the glass and the release of the chemical reagent in the event of accidental breakage. The calibration scale is printed in contrasting ink color that permits high legibility. Other features include and directional arrow, quality control number, chemical formula, pump stroke volume and detector tube number all printed on the tube. All boxes are clearly printed with the tube expiration date.


  • Manufacturing
  • Chemical
  • Energy
  • Construction
  • Transportation
  • Medical
  • HazMat
  • Uniformed service and government agencies


Gases & Vapors
Nextteq Tube
Measuring Range
Catalog No.
Stoddard Solvent General Hydrocarbons 50-1,400 ppm NX160
Styrene Styrene 2.5-300 ppm NX210LM
Styrene 1-100 ppm NX210L
Sulfur Dioxide Sulfur Dioxide 1-60 ppm NX211LM
Sulfur Dioxide in Flue Gas 0.02-0.3% NX211SF
Sulfur Dioxide 0.1-3.0% NX211H
Sulfur Dioxide 20-300 ppm NX211M
Sulfur Dioxide 1-60 ppm NX211LM
Sulfur Dioxide 0.25-10 ppm NX211L
Hydrogen Sulfide in Carbon Dioxide 0.1-25 ppm NX211SB
Sulfur Dioxide 0.02-0.3% NX211MH
Sulfuric Acide Sulfuric Acid 0.5-5 mg/m3 NX212

Ordering Information

. Catalog No. Description Price Quantity .
Nextteq Detector Tubes
Nextteq Detector Tubes
Nextteq Detector Tubes
Nextteq Detector Tubes
Nextteq Detector Tubes
Nextteq Detector Tubes
Nextteq Detector Tubes
Nextteq Detector Tubes
Nextteq Detector Tubes
Nextteq Detector Tubes
Nextteq Detector Tubes
Nextteq Detector Tubes

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